Wednesday, February 22, 2012

High School Modeling Competition

Dr. Muhly is looking for volunteers for the upcoming modeling competition.  Let him know if you can help out (and get a free lunch)!

Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask for your help in organizing this year's high school mathematics competition that the Department has been running since 1997 under the auspices of the Great Plains Math League.  This year's competition is on Saturday, March 3.  Many of you have helped before, and I want to encourage you (and your friends) to offer to help this year.

We need helpers to proctor the exam.  The exam takes place in Van Allen Hall (primarily in Lecture Room 1).  We will need helpers there starting about 8 AM and we will finish around noon.  As has been our custom we treat the proctors to lunch at a near-by eatery afterwards.

It is the next best thing to a free lunch you can imagine.

If you are interested, please respond to this message.  I will send you further information.  Also, on Friday, March 2, at 4:30, PM in Rm 13 MLH, I will hold an orientation session for new proctors.  This may be helpful to you to get a sense of what goes on at the competition.  (It is not absolutely necessary to attend this orientation session, but it may be useful in order to understand the progression of the events.)  The high school kids have a lot of fun, and I hope you will, too.

(Faculty - please encourage your students to help proctor and to contact me.)

Many thanks and, as always,

Best wishes,
